At 16 months, our li'l princess sure is full of chatter!
Words Sarah can say very well: "book", "papa", "pa", "moon", "dog", "up", "down", "duck", "bird", "heart", "take", "go", "bye bye", "hiiii" , "apple", "ball", "take", "bike", "wet", "cold", "hot"
Words that need improvement: "maaaaamaaaaa" (mama), "maaa-mi" (mummy), "baa ton" (button), "pease" (please), "boh more" (no more), "bar" (bus), "cute" (thank you) , "hart" (heart)
Words that need deciphering "mooo" (cow), *snouting* or *grunting* sounds (pig), *wooo wooo* (dog. Occasionally she says "dog"), "Eeeee" (yucks), "yeow" (cat), "baaaa" (butterfly), "ba-ber" (bubble), "mmm" (moon) , "ber" (banana), "uh" (i need to poo!), "mum-mum-mum-mum" (food!!!!)
Ask Sarah where's anybody, and if she can't sight them, her response is "go werk" (go work)..
Ask Sarah "How are you today?", she'll reply "guud" (good)
Ask Sarah "Are you ok?", she'll reply "k" (ok)
Ask Sarah to say thank you, and she'll wave and nod her head.. hmmm