Hello Sarah Hello Ben

17 April 2009

Our 2 Children

Extreme difference of these two tots:
1) Sarah's bloodgroup is AB+ whilst Ben's bloodgroup is O+ (though Daddy & mummy are a B and A+)
2) Sarah's NRIC no. ends with an T07XXXXXA whilst Ben's NRIC no. ends with a T09XXXXXZ
3) Sarah loves her pacifier to bits whilst Ben detests having it stuffed into his mouth
4) Sarah does not enjoy sucking her fingers whilst Ben finds great joy in stuffing his tiny fist in his mouth
5) As an infant, Sarah prefers to play by herself without being annoyed by the adults whilst Ben enjoys being carried
6) As an infant, Sarah is the nonchalent sort who is expressionless when the adults play with her whilst Ben coos, gurgles and smiles all the time
7) Tickle lil' Sarah and she'll just stare back. Tickle lil' Ben and he'll laugh and wriggle
8) Sarah has beautiful loooong eyelashes whilst you can barely see Bens'
9) Sarah has two nice dimples whilst Ben's dimples hardly appears
10) Sarah has double eyelids while Ben appears to be a single eye-lidded