Hello Sarah Hello Ben

22 May 2009

Term 1 @ CH

Term 1 at CH was relatively short, consisting of only 4 weeks of school. Once home from school, the chatterbox goes talking and yakking non-stop. Good things we've seen since starting CH, Sarah has started singing more mandarin songs and speaking several more mandarin words (with an ang-mor slang though haha); its quite an achievement for our lil' potato-head who has always resisted Chinese. She's even more independant then before, and willing to try new things and food (at home she still prefers plain bread while she dares to try sandwiches and kaya bread etc in school). The influence of friends is great. She's learnt a great deal of bad habits such as whining (200% whinier than before), lying on the floor, biting her nails, putting her hands in her mouth, and biting her toys. What to do.. we can't keep her at home forever =S

Miss Ng is nice and always takes photos of the children to show the parents. She also makes an effort to update us almost daily on Sarah nap times and meals through the communication booklet :)